
DAISI  is committed to maintaining human rights for all people with human rights being inalienable, indivisible and universal.




  1. Human rights are for everyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, indigeneity, disability, age, displacement, caste, gender, gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, poverty, class or socio-economic status.
  2. DAISI members aim to protect  its primary stakeholders from abuses of human rights, including violence, abuse, exploitation or neglect.
  3. DAISI members and policy makers will ensure that all of its aims and objectives are underpinned by human rights principles.
  4. DAISI recognises the human rights of children and women. It also recognised sexual rights of all individuals, regardless of orientation, as a fundamental human right.
  5. DAISI abhors the use of violence and torture consistent with the  Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment of Punishment
  6. DAISI recognised the human rights needs of refugees, and supports UNHCR Convention and Protocols  on the status of Refugees.  https://www.unhcr.org/protect/PROTECTION/3b66c2aa10.pdf
  7. DAISI members will report back to Executive on pertinent issues of human rights including those related to children, women and sexuality.
  8. DAISI members will uphold its lawful obligation to report to relevant authorities when atrocities of human rights are encountered.
  9. DAISI strong supports the advocacy of human rights activities.
  10. DAISI members will, when possible advocate with partners and government to  make changes to law and policy to better support human rights.