To promote the adoption of safe and culturally appropriate laparoscopic services in the South Pacific Islands, recognising and mitigating, wherever possible, negative economic and environmental impacts such programs could have.
Ensure the safe acquisition of laparoscopic surgical skills by surgeons in the South pacific that are necessary and of significant value to the people of the South-Pacific.
Specifically these procedures should be cost-effective and deemed by our South Pacific partners to be necessary and of significant advantage over the same procedure performed in an open manner.
Build on these skills in a systematic and graduated manner moving to more complex procedures as the skill-set of trainees enables.
Collaborate with DAISI’s partners in the South Pacific to determine what their unique needs and laparoscopic requirements are.
Prioritise the training of relatively simply quick and cost-effective laparoscopic surgery first such as diagnostic laparoscopy that provides a significant advantage to hospitals in the South Pacific, without causing significant economic burden on the health system.
Emphasise the training of South-Pacific surgeons in simple safe laparoscopic surgery the eventual aim to allow these procedures to be conducted without DAISI supervision once adequate competency achieved.
Devise training modules and assessment Guidelines that can allow ongoing learning and the progression through various stages of training commensurate with skill set,
Promote the acquisition of laparoscopic equipment by donation that is relatively cost neutral to hospitals in the South Pacific.
Wherever possible encourage the use of reusable rather than single use (disposable) laparoscopic instruments to reduced the economic cost and environmental impact.
Discourage the performance of elaborate or complicated laparoscopic surgery by DAISI volunteers that is above and beyond the skill-set of the local surgeons and therefore unlikely to contribute positively to their surgical training.
Discourage the performance of elaborate or long complicated laparoscopic surgery by DAISI volunteers that is likely to invest a disproportionate amount of resources compared to the same operation performed open.
Provide ongoing support with repeated visits to dedicated laparoscopic centres in the South-Pacific.
Keep an audit of all laparoscopic cases done including any complications which should be presented and discussed at the quarterly DAISI board meeting.
work in conjunction with Biomed to ensure testing and maintenance of laparoscopic equipment.
Device protocols and provide training to nurses in the safe handling, sterilising and storage of laparoscopic equipment.