
All people have the right to equality and to live a life without discrimination on the basis of their gender. DAISI has an organisation commitment to gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), both in the workplace, and on its field trips to the South Pacific, and a dedicated gender focal person for contact for all matters or concerns gender related.



  1. All DAISI members must promote gender equality in the workplace and on field trips to the South-Pacific
  2. Wherever possible include female representation in the Directorship, Executive Board Membership, and Office Bearer Positions
  3. DAISI has a gender equality policy for staff recruitment
  4. Targeted questions regarding Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) are asked of candidates to explore their attitudes
  5. All DAISI leadership staff are committed to promoting Gender Equality
  6. Planning of activities for those girls and women oppressed or exploited, must include a female perspective
  7. DAISI promotes the involvement of women and girls in decision making
  8. DAISI has a gender focal person in place who is the person to contact for all matters relating to gender and gender inequality.
  9. All complaints or matters of gender inequality are submitted to the DAISI executive for investigation
  10. DAISI highlights amongst its staff the awareness that sex discrimination is a crime and to respond to discrimination and abuse on the basis of gender by:
    1. Report violence or gender discrimination incidents to the CEO or another nominated person in an organisation
    2. In Australia, report allegations of sex discrimination by a staff member or volunteer in the organisation to the state police
    3. Treat all concerns raised seriously
    4. Ensure that all parties will be treated fairly with prime consideration of the principles of natural justice
    5. Handle all reports professionally, confidentially and expediently
  11. DAISI is committed to the reporting of data disaggregated by gender to highlight the needs and progress made in those prejudiced by gender.