Email Dr. Alan Tong +61 (02) 9633 1553
Dr Alan Tong is an obstetrician and gynaecologist from Westmead Public and Private Hospital, who first visited Gizo hospital in the Solomon Islands in June/July 2017 to do volunteer surgery with his fellow and medical student. Execpt for a brief hiatus during COVID closure, Dr Tong has been involved in training local gynaecologists in key-hole laparoscopic surgery since 2017 returning to Gizo annually. Dr Tong also conducted a gynae trip to Northern Provincial Hospital in Vanuatu in 2017. He regularly takes his wife and three children (2 girls and one boy) and a number of registrars and fellows.
Dr Tong was given the “Best Surgical Contribution” award at the Annual 2018 DAISI Charity Ball in recognition of the many volunteer trips he has done as well as the development of laparoscopic gynaecological services in the Solomon Islands. DAISI is incredibly grateful to Dr Tong for his selfless devotion to training in the South Pacific.