Biliary Surgery Trip to National Referral Hospital (NRH) & Solomon Islands (Gizo Hospital) 22nd – 29th October 2023
This biliary surgery trip to National Referral Hospital (23rd – 24th October) and Gizo Hospital (25th – 27th October 2023) was planned to involve senior and very experienced hepatobiliary surgeon Professor Charbel Sandroussi. Unfortunately this trip was cancelled in June this year due to lack of partner support and inability to provide the necessary anaesthetic services for this trip.

Dr Charbel Sandroussi – Hepatobiliary & Upper GI Surgeon
[yes] medical registration application received[yes] all supporting documents received
[yes] medical registration submitted
[yes] all supporting documents submitted
[no] medical registration approved

Dr Alen Brodaric – Hepatobiliary, Upper GI resident.
[yes] medical registration application received[yes] all supporting documents received
[yes] medical registration submitted
[yes] all supporting documents submitted
[yes] medical registration approved

Jason Chami – Medical Student
[n/a] medical registration application received[yes] all supporting documents received
[n/a] medical registration submitted
[yes] all supporting documents submitted
[n/a] medical registration approved