
The status of your application to volunteer with DAISI in the South Pacific is indicated by the colour of text your name appears in:


grey text = volunteer has not yet confirmed their intent to volunteer (please email confirmation of your intent to volunteer to staff@daisi.com.au).
black text = volunteer has confirmed intent to volunteer but volunteer’s application application form for temporary registration, and/or necessary supporting documents have not yet been received by DAISI (please email to staff@daisi.com.au).
blue text = volunteer’s application for temporary registration with supporting documents has been sent to the relevant Registry Board and is still pending approval.
green text = Good to go! Volunteer’s registration is either not required or has already been approved.
red text = for one reason or another volunteer’s trip has been cancelled.


An Upper GI and Colorectal Surgeon has been requested by Head Surgeon Dr Rooney Jagilly to volunteer at National Referral Hospital in the Capital Honiara (Solomon Islands) in May.

This trip in addition to surgery will include structured lectures in anatomy and surgical topics related to UGI and Colorectal Surgery for the surgical registrars to attend.

Trip #2 May-21 Upper GI, Colorectal & Laparoscopic Surgery
Itinerary Name Specialty Dates Origin Volunteer agreed Destination Registration sent Registration approved Hospital approved
Details a/Prof Charbel Sandrousi  UGI Surgeon & Laparoscopic Program Officer for DAISI Sat 8th May – Sun 16th May 202 Hoten Medical  Not Yet NRH,  Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet
Details Prof Peter Hewett Colorectal Surgeon Sat 8th May – Sun 16th May 202 Wesley Hospital Yes NRH,  Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet
The plan is a one week trip by Prof Sandrousi and Peter Hewett from Sat 8th May until Sun 15th May to National Referral Hospital (NRH).