
Executive/Board Meeting Agenda

  (open to all executive/board members & invitees)

Date: Monday 31st October 2022
Time: 7pm – 8:00pm AEST
Place: Gary McKay (secretary)
Contact:  +61 411 248 910

Item Description Responsible

Welcome and introductions   Confirmation of attendance received in advanced from:   Christophe Berney, Danny Kozman, Gary McKay, Santee Santhanam,  Peter Hewett, Sepehr Lajevardi, 

Chair –

Chrisotphe Berney

2 Apologies    Chair

Review of actions from previous annual general meeting  

  • Appointment of New Chair – Prof Christophe Berney to replace recent resignation of Matt Rickard
  • Planned reconnaissance trip to Solomon Islands late 2022
  • Resumption of DAISI trips in 2023
  • renewal of MoU with Vanuatu
  • explore possibilities of working at new Enga Provincial Hospital, PNG.
  • close @daisi.com.au and google account and replace with free gmail.com account 

Secretary –

Gary mcKay

4 Acceptance of minutes of previous annual general meeting

Chair –

Christophe Berney

5 Chairperson’s Report   

Chair –

Christophe Berney

  Secretary Report     

Secretary –

Gary McKay

6 Treasurer’s report   

Treasurer –

Sam Deylami

7 Recommendations for discussion/consideration

Secretary –

Gary McKay

i DAISI pay airfares and hotel accommodation for urology nurse to attend 23-30th April 2023 trip to Gizo hospital.   
ii Seek assistance of paediatric surgeon for 21-28 May trip to NRH & Gizo Hospital
iii Seek experience surgeon to perform laparoscopic hellers myotomy for NRH earlier than October 2023 trip. 
iv Apply for full membership with ACFID
vi Apply for DFAT funding once full ACFID membership 
vii Provide Head and Neck specialist trip to Alotaue hospital in April/May  
viii Seek storage for laparoscopic equipment  
ix Elect acting deputy Chair and CEO to replace recent resignatioin of Carina Chow  
13 Annual General Meeting close Chair – Christophe Berney