
DAISI is committed to self improvement and quality assurance.  To this end, DAISI adopts ACFID’s PEML guidance tool when it comes to appraisal of its projects and activities. The four tenants of this appraisal tool are: Planning, Evaluation Monitoring and Learning. DAISI’s policies on self improvement and quality assurance are listed below.



  1. DAISI members and volunteers must commit to monitoring, auditing and reporting the outcomes of all activities they engage in.
  2. How this information will be collected and by whom and the processes should be adequately resourced with time, people and funds.
  3. All volunteer trips to the South Pacific must be well planned, with clear written objectives agreed between members and partners/stakeholders and measurable outcome factors.
  4. All members and volunteers must Evaluate and Monitor the efficacy of projects conducted, against the measurable outcome factors identified prior to the trip
  5. Team leaders of DAISI volunteer trips to the South Pacific must ensure that all volunteers attend briefing sessions prior to trips and debriefing sessions after their volunteer trip, and completion of feedback forms by all volunteers.
  6. Scheduled reporting from Members and Volunteers should be provided within 30 days of completing a trip to the South Pacific and should include the following:
    1. clear statement and aims and goals of the trip with measurable outcome factors.
    2. detailed documentation of activities performed (for surgical trips this would include a comprehensive de-identified log book of cases seen, operated on with gender of cases identifed).
    3. Objective measurable outcome factors (for surgical trips this would include morbidity and mortality data).
    4. Outcome of briefing and debriefing sessions, and level of volunteer and partner involvement in these sessions, including gender breakdown.
    5. Where aims and goals and measurable outcome factors were met and where they were not
    6. Consideration to lessons learnt, and areas for improvement.
  7. Scheduled field visits with associated report templates by senior DAISI members;
  8. Minutes for Board meeting must include review of reporting and evaluation methods.
  9. Members must reflect on results and lessons in order to inform and improve practice.
  10. The Annual Report must include reporting of outcome factors in a truthful and transparent manner

  11. This reporting should be publicly available for the perusal of all members and  stakeholders – primary stakeholders, partners and donors.