DAISI is registered with the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gifts Recipient (DGR) Charity.

If you would like to donate something of worth (perhaps that bottle of Grange or sports memorabilia), to be auctioned at this year’s DAISI Charity Ball, then we would love to hear from you and encourage you to complete the form below.

In return you will receive countless blessings in the afterlife, but also special mention during the live auction. You will also be issued an itemised receipt for this gift to be used for taxation purposes.

Donate a Gift for Live Auction 

    Please describe the gift you would like to donate and any comments you would like to make here *

    Select method of delivery

    Given Name *

    Last Name *

    Telephone (Mobile)*

    Email Address *

    Would you like to receive a DAISI® itemised (descriptive) receipt for tax-deductible purposes?

    Estimated market value of the gift


    The Annual DAISI Charity Ball is Proudly sponsored by