Dr Martin Kennedy

Dr Martin Kennedy is a Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, Pain Medicine and Elderly Care Physician with an extended career working as a staff specialist at both Calvary and Neringah Hospitals as well as a VMO in various private hospitals in northern Sydney.  Dr Kennedy studied medicine at Sydney University where he had his first experience of Pacific Island medicine during an elective term to Wewak General Hospital PNG in 1982. He also had a number of years of specialist training in the UK. Doctor Kennedy is passionate about helping to bring the vital but largely unknown principals of subacute medicine to the Pacific Islands. Martin’s wife Anne is a midwife and a specialist nurse in Maternal and Child Health and they hope to volunteer together in the Solomon Islands over the coming decade. Martin and Anne hope also to facilitate ongoing links with their Australian employing institutions and the Solomon Islands to enable a more long term channel of educative and volunteer support.