5.5 Due Diligence Assessment Template

The following minimum 32 questions should be asked as a screening tool of any organisation prior to DAISI considering entering into partnership. These questions relate to five areas of: Registration, Governance, Risk management, Fraud, and Vulnerable persons protection. In each case, the question begins with “Does  the partner have…?”



1. Values and Objectives that align with DAISI?

  • Legal registration being  duly licensed?
  • Registration as a local or international not for profit entity in the country of operation?
  • Certification as an entity?
  • A clear and publicly available constitution and policies?


  1. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  with its partners?
  2. A formal overning instrument?
  3. A constitution/governing instrument that refers to its constitution and by-laws?
  4. A clearly stated process for appointment and termination of executive members?
  5. A statement of its charitable purpose and status as a not for profit organisation?
  6. A statement on its distribution of assets policy  in the case of dissolution?
  7. A copy of its organisational structure?
  8. An organisational structure officially recorded with government?
  9. A board/executive that meet regularly and function according to the constitution?


  1. Any obvious conflicts of interest that could  impact governance?
  2. Any board members related to members of the executive?
  3. Any involvement in any litigation or  subject to serious complaints or investigations?


  1. Controls in place to manage the risk of fraud and/or misappropriation of funds?
  2. Publicly accessible annual reports”
  3. Publicly accessible audited financial reports?


  1. Its bank account in the organisation’s name?
  2. A two signatories policy to withdraw funds?
  3. A clear operational budget and means of recording and  tracking expenses against the budget?
  4. A transparent process for recording gifts and donations?
  5. A requirement to obtain and keep original receipts for expenditure?
  6. A transparent financial reporting process?


  1. Written child and vulnerable persons safeguarding policy?
  2. A website that show any areas of possible child or vulnerable persons abuse (for example disclose children’s identity,  advertise orphanages, promote tourism or unskilled volunteering etc)
  3. Child or vulnerable persons safe screening and recruiting practices including (as a minimum) a police records check and working with children check on all volunteers and staff.
  4. A Child and Vulnerable Persons safeguarding code of conduct?
  5. A clear procedure for reporting concerns or allegations?

This policy was first created 15th November 2015 and revised on 1st July 2020 and again on 25th Sep 2021.