
Commitment 1.2 We respect and respond to the needs, rights and inclusion of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion.

Compliance Indicators

Compliance with the Commitments will be assessed against the following Compliance Indicators. All of the applicable Compliance Indicators must be met by every ACFID Member to be considered compliant with the Code. Each of the Compliance Indicators has one or more compliance Verifiers. Verifiers are the description of evidence that is required to substantiate compliance with each Compliance Indicator. Guidance is also provided.

1.2.1 Members demonstrate an organisational commitment to the inclusion and representation of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by the intersecting drivers of marginalisation and exclusion.


Policy, statement or guidance document that commits the Member to the inclusion and representation of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by the intersecting drivers of marginalisation and exclusion, including not restricted to race, religion, ethnicity, indigeneity, disability, age, displacement, caste, gender, gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, poverty, class and socio-economic status.


Your policy, statement or guidance document could include: an outline of the principles underpinning your organisation’s approaches to inclusion; and clarification of your organisation’s understanding of who/which groups are marginalised and excluded; and an outline of the procedures or practices required such as: good contextual analysis to understand the intersecting drivers, explicit reference to inclusion and systems of exclusion in design templates and appraisal/selection templates and processes, and the allocation of resources to initiatives with a primary focus on the inclusion and representation of vulnerable, marginalised and excluded people.


1.2.2 Members’ planning process includes consultation with those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion and analysis of their needs and rights and barriers to their inclusion in context-specific ways.


Design or planning frameworks, tools, templates that require or approaches that consistently show the consideration of the needs, rights and barriers to the inclusion of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion in context-specific ways.


Your approaches could include: undertaking good contextual and stakeholder analysis so you can understand the different barriers to inclusion faced by different groups of vulnerable and marginalised people in context-specific ways; and investing resources in and creating opportunities for those who are vulnerable or marginalised to fully contribute to the design and planning of initiatives that affect them. Strategies to achieve this could include: proactively seeking out those from vulnerable or marginalised groups within a community and conducting discussions/focus groups/interviews at times and places that enable their participation; setting explicit targets of consultation with these groups; engaging local people who live within communities to engage with primary stakeholders; ensuring any necessary materials or processes are conducted in local language and take into account structural, cultural or gender barriers such as isolation, privacy, timing etc.

Your design or planning framework, tools and templates could include: explicit sub sections or prompts in the design document template including a requirement for some primary stakeholders to be from vulnerable or marginalised groups; a design appraisal tool or set of criteria that requires an assessment of the adequacy of contextual analysis, the role of primary stakeholders in contextual analysis and the degree to which vulnerable and marginalised people have fully contributed to the design and planning of initiatives that affect them.

Ideas on strategies to promote participation can be can be downloaded in the Resources Section below.

1.2.3 Members monitor and evaluate their progress in addressing the needs, rights and inclusion of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion in context-specific ways.


Monitoring and evaluation framework, tools, templates that require or approaches which consistently show evidence of the assessment of progress in addressing the needs, rights and inclusion of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion in context-specific ways.


Your monitoring and evaluation approaches could include: an explicit requirement to assess progress relating to vulnerable and marginalised groups during monitoring and field visits and in progress reporting. Helpful prompts could include consideration of: how vulnerable, marginalised and excluded people have participated and what strategies have been used to address their needs, rights and inclusion. Evaluation terms of reference could include: analysis of whether the needs, rights and inclusion of vulnerable, marginalised and excluded people have been met and the barriers and enablers to doing so.

Your monitoring and evaluation framework, tools and templates could include: an articulation of expected outputs and outcomes and indicators that explicitly relate to the needs, rights and inclusion of vulnerable, marginalised and excluded groups.

1.2.4 Members consider the potential impact of their development and humanitarian initiatives on those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion with a view to preventing unintended harm.


Design or planning frameworks, tools, templates which require or approaches that consistently show the consideration of the potential for unintended harm and strategies to mitigate the risk of harm.


Potential risks for unintended harm to primary stakeholders could include: exposing women to cultural or religious negative views if initiatives requires them to undertake new roles, contamination of drinking water through new agricultural practices or construction, construction of schools near busy roads or other hazards.

Your approaches could include: good contextual analysis to understand potential risks to primary stakeholders; risk analysis with an explicit focus on potential harm to primary stakeholders; consideration of these risks during monitoring and field visits.

Design or planning frameworks, tools or templates could include: explicit sub-sections or prompts in the design document template including: a requirement for consideration of potential risks to primary stakeholders; a design appraisal tool or set of criteria that requires an assessment of potential risks.

Good Practice Indicators

The following Good Practice Indicators describe a higher standard of practice than that set out in the Compliance Indicators. While Members do not need to meet the Good Practice Indicators to be considered compliant with the Code, they will self-assess against these indicators once every three years. This provides a clear pathway for Members to strengthen and improve practice over time.

  • Training is provided for staff and volunteers to understand the intersecting drivers of marginalization and exclusion; exacerbating factors; and barriers to inclusion.
  • Initiatives that build the capacities of specific rights holders to understand and advocate for their rights are supported.
  • Information about issues relating to , marginalization and exclusion is promoted to the public and external stakeholders.


Good Practice Guidance

Here are some practical suggestions for your organisation to further deepen and improve practice over time.


  • Focus programs on the most vulnerable and marginalised – those most denied their rights including indigenous peoples, migrant workers, minorities, people with a disability, refugees, IDPs and asylum seekers, children, the aged and women
  • Focus on the rights of vulnerable and marginalised people in project cycle management tools, agreements with partners, planning, and monitoring and evaluation tools
  • Identify vulnerable and marginalised groups and seek to understand the factors that exacerbate their vulnerability
  • Identify and address barriers to accessing services by marginalised and vulnerable groups
  • Ensure the participation, inclusion and representation of vulnerable and marginalised people and groups in decision-making
  • Regularly review who is participating in the project and who is missing out
  • Promote the ability of your staff and partners to speak local languages
  • Promote the inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups as staff members
  • Work to make sure that these groups are not further victimised by their participation in our programs, through retaliation by other, dominant groups
  • Empower vulnerable and marginalised people to know their rights and demand equitable access to services.


Provide training and build the skills and knowledge of your staff, partners, stakeholders and civil society on:

  • The rights of vulnerable and marginalised groups
  • Effective advocacy for improving the lives of the vulnerable and marginalised. INGOs can often be more vocal than local partners in this work. ACFID members may undertake this work on behalf of partners where it is more appropriate to do so.
  • Responding to discrimination, violence, poverty and repression experienced by marginalised and vulnerable groups

Monitoring and reporting

  • Develop monitoring and evaluation systems that explicitly collect data related to vulnerable and marginalised groups
  • Report on progress on addressing the needs, rights and inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups to your governing body and stakeholders in key documents such as in your Annual Report.


  • DAISI is committed to the inclusion and representation of those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by the intersecting drivers of marginalisation and exclusion. In the South Pacific, which is heavily influences by Christianity, this relates particularly to the mentally ill, those with non orthodox  views regarding sexuality and sexual orientation.
  • DAISI members will engage in planning process that include consultation with those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion and analysis of their needs and rights and barriers to their inclusion in context-specific ways.
  • DAISI members when developing humanitarian initiatives will consider the impact this will have on those who are vulnerable and those who are affected by marginalisation and exclusion with a view to preventing unintended harm
  • DAISI will report on progress on addressing the needs, rights and inclusion of vulnerable and marginalised groups to your governing body and stakeholders in key documents such as in its Annual Report.