Depart Brisbane 9:45am Sat 9th Mar 2019, arrive Port Moresby 12:55pm

FC1EF247-868B-4E7C-8526-B278A5DCB772Check into Airways Hotel, only 2 mins taxi from airport (4 star hotel with pool and all amenities).

Depart Port Moresby Domestic airport 8:45am Sunday 10th March, arrive Wapendamanda airport 10:15am.


DAISI volunteers will be pick up by 4 wheel drive (30 minute drive) and taken to Sopas District Hospital, where accommodation provided.


Operate Monday 11th March until Friday 15th March.

Relax Saturday 16th march.


Depart Wapendamanda airport 10:40am Sunday 17th March 2019. with 1 hour stopover in Port Moresby.

Depart Port Moresby 1:10pm Sunday 17th March 2019, arriving Brisbane 4:20pm.