
A number of attractive sponsorship categories are on offer ranging from $5000 to $15,000.


Silver Sponsorship $5,000
Logo placement on all marketing material
Use of DAISI’s logo on website and social media
One representative to present award
Representative to draw out raffle prize
Opportunity to provide auction item
Opportunity to provide a raffle item
Opportunity to provide insert in delegate bags
Half page ad in annual newsletter to members
Two tickets to the ball.

Gold Sponsorship $10,000
Logo placement on all marketing material
Use of DAISI’s logo on website and social media
Two representatives to present award
Representative to draw out raffle prize
Opportunity to provide auction item
Opportunity to provide a raffle item
Opportunity to provide insert in delegate bags
Half page ad in bi-annual newsletter to members
Four tickets to the ball.

Platinum Sponsorship $15,000
Naming rights and first right of refusal for next year’s DAISI Ball
Welcome drinks hosting
Speaking opportunity
Logo placement on all marketing material
Use of DAISI’s logo on website and social media
Three representatives to present award
Representative to draw out raffle prize
Opportunity to provide auction item
Opportunity to provide a raffle item
Opportunity to provide insert in delegate bags
Full page ad in bi-annual newsletter to members
Electronic email database of DAISI members.
Table of eight at the ball.

Become a Sponsor 

The Annual DAISI Charity Ball is proudly sponsored by:
