The status of your application to volunteer with DAISI in the South-Pacific Islands is indicated by the colour of text adjacent to your name:

red text = volunteer not yet confirmed (please email confirmation of your intent to volunteer to
black text = volunteer’s application has not yet been received by DAISI (please email to
blue text = application sent, pending approval from Tonga’s Registry Board
green text = Good to go! Volunteer’s registration in Tonga either not required or has already been approved


This trip is still awaiting approval by Dr Lisiate K ‘Ulufonua (Medical Superintendent, Vaiola Hospital, Tonga) and has no volunteers assigned to it yet.




13.   Surgery – Vaiola Hospital – Tonga
Suggested itinerary Name Specialty Dates Origin Destination Rego Paid Rego Approved Hotel Hotel deposit paid


11-17th July 2018 Vaiola Hospital, Tonga N/A Not Yet Not decided Not Yet
 Details  11-17th July Vaiola Hospital,  Tonga  Not Yet  Not Yet  Not decided  Not Yet