This Gynaecology team involved anaesthetist Dr Jegasothy (from Liverpool Hospital, Sydney), O&G Regsitrar Dr Yu-Ting Huang (from Nepean Hospital, Sydney) and intern Dr Karolina Wicik, (who had just completed medicine at Notre DameUniveristy), spending one week as part of a gynae visit to Gizo Hospital in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. Gynaecologists from National Referral Hospital (NRH) Dr Chris Dereveke and Dr Gordon Koburo also attended this trip, organising cases.
Prior to the trip, a DAISI briefing was conducted at Montazemous Restaurant, Crows nest on Fri 2nd November. Dr Jegasothy and Wicik arrived Honiaria Sat 3rd Nov, and Dr Yu-Ting Huang (who’s flight was delayed) arrived Sunday 4th Nov. Sunday was a day of relaxation in Honiara. The DAISI team then travelled to Gzio and operated Mon, Tue and Wed, and relaxing at Fatboys on Thurs, departing Friday morning. It was a great trip made possible and successful due to the incredible organisation of the Gizo and NRH staff.




DAISI trip # 16 – Oct 2018 (Gynae Surgery) to Gizo, Solomon Islands
0 minors (Laparoscopic)
0 majors (Laparoscopic)
0 minors (open)
0 majors (open)
0 Total Cases