The status of your application to volunteer with DAISI in the PNG is indicated by the colour of text adjacent to your name:

red text = volunteer not yet confirmed (please email confirmation of your intent to volunteer to
black text = volunteer’s medical application form or nursing application form, necessary supporting documents & curriculum vitae have not yet been received by DAISI (please email to
blue text = application sent, pending approval from PNG’s Registry Board
green text = Good to go! Volunteer’s registration in PNG is either not required or has already been approved

A Diabetic Foot Clinic has been requested by Head Surgeon Dr Rooney Jagilly from National Referral Hospital in the Capital Honiara (Solomon Islands).

The date for this trip is as yet undecided.

trip #3. 2020 UGI & Colorectal Surgery
Itinerary Name Specialty Dates Origin Destination Confirmed
Details Dr Matthew Malone Diabetic Foot Specialists Date Undecided 2020 Liverpool Hospital,  Sydney NRH, Solomon Islands  Yes
This one week diabetic foot clinic  to National Referral Hospital (NRH) has been requested by Dr Rooney Jagilly (Head Surgeon at NRH).  The main emphasis will be management of inpatients at NRH.  The date has not yet been decided.