
The status of your application to volunteer with DAISI in the South Pacific is indicated by the colour of text your name appears in:


grey text = volunteer has not yet confirmed their intent to volunteer (please email confirmation of your intent to volunteer to staff@daisi.com.au).
black text = volunteer has confirmed intent to volunteer but volunteer’s application form for temporary registration, and/or necessary supporting documents have not yet been received by DAISI (please email to staff@daisi.com.au).
blue text = volunteer’s application for temporary registration with supporting documents has been sent to the relevant Registry Board and is still pending approval.
green text = Good to go! Volunteer’s registration is either not required or has already been approved.
red text = for one reason or another volunteer’s trip has been cancelled.

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trip #9. Apr-2021 Gynae & Laparoscopic Surgery
Itinerary Name Specialty Dates Origin Volunteer Agreed Destination Registration sent Registration approved Hospital approved
a/Prof Norman Blumenthal Gynaecologist Blacktown Hospital Yes Alotau Hospital Not Yet Not Yet Not Yet