The inaugural DAISI Charity Ball was a great success, with 190 guests attending raising more than $25,000 in money towards an ambulance and medical and surgical supplies to be shipped to Kilu’ufi hospital in the Malaita Province of the Solomon Islands. This equipment is aimed a supporting future DAISI visits to teach laparoscopic surgery at Kilu’ufi hospital with the hospital Medical Director Dr Henry Kako, and the onsite surgeon Dr Micky Olangi and anaesthetist Dr David Danitofea all very keen on the prospects of laparoscopic surgery being available to the poorest province in the Solomon Islands.
The DAISI Charity Ball kicked off with welcome drinks and music by Dr Narko Tutuo (an anaesthetist who himself worked for many years in Malaita Province). MC’s for the night we Nili Hali and Dr Sepehr Lajevardi. We were most fortunate to have the attendance of Honorable Permanent Secretary for the Ministry For Health in the Solomon Islands, Dr Tenneth Dalipanda, and Director of Medical Services for National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara, Dr Rooney Jagilly both attending the evening and giving insightful speeches about the challenges facing health care delivery in the Solomon Islands. Other Speeches include those by DAISI’s outgoing Chair Dr Tim Nicholson, DAISI founder and Secretary Dr Gary McKay, gynaecologist a/Prof Norman Blumenthal and hepatobiliary surgeon Prof Charbel Sandroussi. The evening was a wonderful melting pot including a number of members of charities providing exceptional volunteer services in the Solomon Islands including the Program Manager Helen Carter from the John James Foundation, Mr Ian Hoskings, founder of The Solomon Foundation, and Dr Tony Clark from the Australia & New Zealand Gastro-Intestinal Training Association (ANZGITA).
The three course meal was followed by a raffle that included a holiday to Thailand, with $10,000 raised from this alone. Music by the Pacific Island band Manutabu was an instant success with many dancing the night away. The evening concluded with the announcement of the newly elective DAISI officer bearers, Dr Sepehr Lajevardi (Chait), Dr Daniel Kozman (Vice Chaur), Dr Gary McKay (Secretary) and Dr Eric Yip (Treasuer), and a special thanks to outgoing Chair Dr Tim Nicholson.
Finally, the success of this evening would not have been possible without our wonderful sponsors, including Olympus, who have provided three laparoscopic stacks and associated equipment over the past two years. Without these, DAISI’s success in teaching laparoscopic surgery in the Solomon Islands would have not been possible. Other sponsors include Westmead Private Hospital, Horten Medical, Doctor’s Health Fund, St Leonard’s KwikKopy, the Solomon Foundation and the John James Foundation.
DAISI Charity ball MCs Dr Sepehr Lajevardi (newly elected Chair), and Nili Hali.
Outgoing Chair Dr Tim Nicholson, giving welcome speech.
Honorable Permanent Secretary for Health for Solomon Islands Dr Tenneth Dalipanda
The Solomon Foundation founder Ian Hosking, with DAISI member Dr Aruna Shivam.
Dr Rooney Jagilly, Director of Medical Services, National Referral Hospital (NRH), Honiara giving speech.
Welcome music by Dr Narko Tutuo.
Dr Sunny Misir, James Nugent, and Dr Logan Kanagaratnam from Ryde Hospital, attending the DAISI Charity Ball.
DAISI member a/Prof Norman Blumenthal, Gynaecologist from Notra Dame discussing medical issues faced by women and children in the Solomon Islands.
The Pacific Islands Manutabu band entertaining
DAISI member Prof Charbel Sandroussi giving speech on laparoscopic surgery project in the Solomon Islands.
Westmead Private Hospital staff attending the 2017 DAISI Charity Ball.
Jovana Kuljaca and Breast surgeon Dr Erik Fuentes.
ENT Surgeon Dr Julie Crawford, and anaesthetist Dr Pavi Pusapathy.
Notra Dame medical students Graeme Wertheimer and Ariah Steel.